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A Sample file for Synthesis

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Design Specification 
A counter having 2 input clocks, clk_a running at 100 MHz and clk_B running at  200MHz.
there are clock divider for clk_A in design. Counter having inputs clk_A , clk_B , reset, count_start1 ,count_start2  and output count_val
1.count_start1 clocking with clk_A
2.count_start2 clocking with clk_B
3.count_val clocking with clk_A
4.reset is synchronous and clocked with clk_A

below is the sample SDC file - counter.sdc

At the top of SDC , below optional commands

# create source clock
create_clock -name clka -period 10 [get_ports clk_A]
create_clock  -name clkb -period 5   [get_ports clk_B]

#create generated clock
create_generate_clock -divide_by 2 -source [get_ports clk_A] -name clk_DIV_A  [get_pins ]

# set clock uncertainty  (setup) , here 10% or more depend on clock frequency and technology library
set_clock_uncertainty -setup [get_clocks clk_A]
set_clock_uncertainty -setup [get_clocks clk_B ]

#set clock uncertainty (hold) , Hold doesn't depend on clock frequency.
# $hold_margin - 50 ps
set_clock_uncertainty -hold  $hold_margin   [all_clocks]

## set clock latency if required

# declare false path between clk_A and clk_B
set_clock_groups -logically_exclusive [get_clocks clk_A clk_B]
or set_false_path -from clk_A -to clk_B
    set_false_path -from clk_B -to clk_A

## Declare input delays and output delays on ports
set_input_delay -clock clk_A -max {0.5*clk_A period} [get_ports count_start1 ]
set_input_delay -clock clk_A min 0 [get_ports count_start1]

set_input_delay -clock clk_B -max {0.5*clk_A period} [get_ports count_start2 ]
set_input_delay -clock clk_B min 0 [get_ports count_start2]

set_output_delay -clock clk_A -max {0.5*clk_A period} [get_ports count_val ]
set_output_delay -clock clk_A min 0 [get_ports count_val]

#declare multicycle paths

##Below are the constraints helps to setup the environments

set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins counter/heir_a/sel_a]

set_driving_cell -lib_cell BUFX9 [all_inputs]

set_fanout_load 8 [all_outputs]

set_load 50  [all_outputs]   ## set the value of capacitive load on pin or net in design

# set the specified ports/pins at logic zero or logic one (this is similar to set_case_analysis)
set_logic_zero [get_ports ]
set_logic_one  [get_pins ]

set_max_area  ## if there is any area specific requirement
set_max_capacitance  0.1 [all_outputs]
set_max_transition  0.2  [all_pins]  ## specify the max transition time on pins or ports
set_port_fanout_number  5 [get_ports ]  ## set maximum fanout of a port

commands which I have not defined in above sdc -
set_min_delay -from PATH_A -to PATH_B 1 ## set minimum delay 1 ns from path A to B
set_max_delay -from PATH_A -to PATH_B 2   ## set maximum delay 2 ns from path A to B

There are many other commands which may be used in design but those are more specific to the requirement, design implementation , and technology specific. Above all sdc commands are generic commands.

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Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ bảy, 25 Tháng 9 2021 14:03 )  

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