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Interfacing With HDL Simulator Part IV

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SystemC Ports

  1 #ifndef MEMORY_TB_PORTS_H

  2 #define MEMORY_TB_PORTS_H


  4 struct tagInput {

  5   char  *clk;

  6   char  *rdata;

  7 };


  9 struct tagOutput {

 10   unsigned long wr;

 11   unsigned long cs;

 12   unsigned long addr;

 13   unsigned long wdata;

 14   unsigned long done;

 15 };


 17 typedef struct tagInput    INVECTOR;

 18 typedef struct tagOutput  OUTVECTOR;


 20 #endif

SystemC Testbench

  1 #include "systemc.h"
  2 #include "memory_txGen.h"
  3 #include "memory_tb_ports.h"
  4 #include "memory_tb_exports.h"
  5 #include "strings.h"
  7 // Instantiate Testbench
  8 memory_txGen  u_memory_txGen("u_memory_txGen");
  9 // Declare Signals to connect tb
 10 sc_signal <bool>             clk;
 11 sc_signal <sc_uint<8> >      addr;
 12 sc_signal <bool>             wr;
 13 sc_signal <bool>             cs;
 14 sc_signal <sc_uint<32> >     wdata;
 15 sc_signal <sc_uint<32> >     rdata;
 16 sc_signal <bool>             done;
 17 // Top-Level testbench
 18 void init_sc() {
 19   // Port mapping
 20   u_memory_txGen.clk        (clk  );
 21   u_memory_txGen.addr       (addr );
 22   u_memory_txGen.wr         (wr   );
 23   u_memory_txGen.cs         (cs   );
 24   u_memory_txGen.wdata      (wdata);
 25   u_memory_txGen.rdata      (rdata);
 26   u_memory_txGen.done       (done );
 27   // VCD Tracing:
 28   //   Trace file creation
 29   sc_trace_file* tf;
 30   tf = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("memory_tb");
 31         ((vcd_trace_file*)tf)->sc_set_vcd_time_unit(-9);
 32   //   Signals to be traced
 33   sc_trace(tf, clk, "clk");
 34   sc_trace(tf, addr, "addr");
 35   sc_trace(tf, wr, "wr");
 36   sc_trace(tf, cs, "cs");
 37   sc_trace(tf, wdata, "wdata");
 38   sc_trace(tf, rdata, "rdata");
 39   // Initialize SC
 40   sc_start(0);
 41   cout<<"@"<<sc_time_stamp()<<" Started SystemC Schedular"<<endl;
 42 }
 43 // Convert Char to sc_unit
 44 // This is required if more then 64 bits are
 45 // required for port width
 46 sc_uint<32> str2scuint(char *data) {
 47   sc_uint<32>  udata;
 48   for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
 49     if (*(data+i) == 49) {
 50       udata[31-i] = 1;
 51     } else {
 52       udata[31-i] = 0;
 53     }
 54   }
 55   return(udata);
 56 }
 57 // String to bool conversion
 58 bool str2bool(char *data) {
 59   bool  udata;
 60   udata = (*data == 49) ? true:false;
 61   return(udata);
 62 }
 63 // Sample the HDL signals and driver systemC data types
 64 void sample_hdl(void *Invector) {
 65   INVECTOR *pInvector = (INVECTOR *)Invector;
 66   clk    = str2bool(pInvector->clk);
 67   rdata  = str2scuint(pInvector->rdata);
 68 }
 69 // Drive systemC signals to HDL
 70 void drive_hdl(void *Outvector) {
 71   OUTVECTOR *pOutvector = (OUTVECTOR *)Outvector;
 72   pOutvector->wr =;
 73   pOutvector->cs =;
 74   pOutvector->addr =;
 75   pOutvector->done =  done;
 76   pOutvector->wdata =;
 77 }
 78 // Advance SystemC Simulation time
 79 void advance_sim(unsigned long simtime) {
 80   sc_start(simtime);
 81 }
 82 // Top level testbench controller
 83 void exec_sc(void *invector, void *outvector, 
 84  unsigned long simtime) {
 85   sample_hdl(invector);  // Input-Stimuli
 86   advance_sim(simtime);  // Advance Simulator
 87   drive_hdl(outvector);  // Output Vectors
 88 }
 89 // Terminate SystemC schedular
 90 void exit_sc() {
 91   cout<<"@"<<sc_time_stamp()<<" Stopping SystemC Schedular"<<endl;
 92   sc_stop();
 93 }

PLI Interface File

  1 #include   
  2 #include 
  4 #include "vcsuser.h"
  6 // SystemC methods 
  7 #include "memory_tb_ports.h"
  8 #include "memory_tb_exports.h"
 10 static int sc_init_done = 0;
 12 //calltf routine: turns on asynchronous callbacks to the misctf
 13 //routine whenever an argument to the system task changes value.
 14 int sc_memory_calltf() {
 15   if (sc_init_done == 0) {
 16     // Initialize SystemC Model
 17     init_sc(); 
 18     sc_init_done = 1;
 19   }
 20   // Turn-On Asynchronous Call-Back
 21   tf_asynchon();  
 22   return(0);
 23 }
 25 //misctf routine: Serves as an interface between Verilog simulation
 26 //and the testbench.  Called whenever the testbench inputs change value,
 27 //reads the input values, and passes the values to the SystemC, and
 28 //writes the SystemC outputs into simulation.
 29 int sc_memory_misctf(int user_data, int reason, int paramvc)
 30 {
 31   #define  SC_IN_CLK     1  /* system task arg 1 clk     input  */
 32   #define  SC_IN_RDATA   2  /* system task arg 2 rdata   input  */
 33   #define  SC_OUT_ADDR   3  /* system task arg 3 addr    output */
 34   #define  SC_OUT_WR     4  /* system task arg 4 wr      output */
 35   #define  SC_OUT_CS     5  /* system task arg 5 cs      output */
 36   #define  SC_OUT_WDATA  6  /* system task arg 6 wdata   output */
 38   static unsigned long SimNow = 0;
 39   // Testbench ports
 40   static INVECTOR   invector;
 41   static OUTVECTOR  outvector;
 42   // If HDL requested simulation termination
 43   if (reason == reason_finish) {
 44     exit_sc();
 45   }
 46   // abort if misctf was not called for a task argument value change
 47   if (reason  ! = REASON_PARAMVC) {
 48     return(0);
 49   }
 50   // abort if task argument that changed was a model output 
 51   if (paramvc  ! = SC_IN_RDATA && paramvc  ! = SC_IN_CLK)  { 
 52     return(0);
 53   }
 54   // Read current HDL values into systemC testbench 
 55   invector.rdata  = acc_fetch_value(acc_handle_tfarg(SC_IN_RDATA), "%b", 0);
 56   invector.clk    = acc_fetch_value(acc_handle_tfarg(SC_IN_CLK), "%b", 0);
 57   // Execute the systemC testbench with  delta time  
 58   exec_sc(&invector, &outvector, (tf_gettime()-SimNow));
 59   SimNow = tf_gettime();
 60   // Write the systemC Testbench outputs onto the Verilog signals
 61   tf_putp(SC_OUT_ADDR, outvector.addr);
 62   tf_putp(SC_OUT_WR, outvector.wr);
 63   tf_putp(SC_OUT_CS, outvector.cs);
 64   tf_putp(SC_OUT_WDATA, outvector.wdata);
 65   // If systemC requests termination, then ask Verilog simulator 
 66   // to terminate
 67   if (outvector.done) {
 68     tf_dofinish();
 69   }
 70   return(0);
 71 }

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