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Thế giới ASIC

Functional Coverage

Introduction to Coverage

Typically in verification flow, we do code coverage, but doing code coverage shows only if all the lines of the DUT is executed, if all the possible cases of a expression are covered. 

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 08 Tháng 5 2022 23:24 ) Đọc thêm...

Packing And Unpacking

Packing And Unpacking

Packing performs concatenation of scalars, strings, list elements, or struct fields in the order that you specify. Unpacking performs the reverse operation, splitting a single expression into multiple expressions.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 03 Tháng 5 2022 19:43 ) Đọc thêm...


Introduction to Macros

Macro definitions specify a name or a pattern that is to be replaced by e code text. e is a truly extensible language. It can be extended all the way down to its syntax and lexicon using macros declared by define-as statements.
Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 08 Tháng 5 2022 23:22 ) Đọc thêm...

Events And Temporal Expressions Part-IV

~[ exp..exp ]
True match variable repeat succeeds every time the subexpression succeeds. This expression creates a number of parallel repeat evaluations within the range.
True match repeat also enables specification of behavior over infinite sequences by repeating an infinite number of occurrences of a temporal expression.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ bảy, 12 Tháng 3 2022 17:35 ) Đọc thêm...

Events And Temporal Expressions Part-III

Introduction to Temporal Expressions
Temporal expressions provide a declarative way to describe temporal behavior. The e language provides a set of temporal operators and keywords that can be uses to construct temporal expressions. 

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 29 Tháng 3 2022 00:02 ) Đọc thêm...

Events And Temporal Expressions Part-II


This event is a special event that defines the finest granularity of time. The occurrence of any event in the system causes an occurrence of the any event at the same tick. In stand-alone e program operation (that is, with no simulator attached), the sys.any event is the only one that occurs automatically. It typically is used as the clock for stand-alone operation.
Lần cập nhật cuối ( Chủ nhật, 08 Tháng 5 2022 23:23 ) Đọc thêm...

Constraints And Generation Part-III

Invoking Generation

Generation is required before we can do anything meaning full with e language. There are two ways of invoking generation.
Generation is invoked automatically when generating the tree of structures starting at sys.
Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 03 Tháng 5 2022 19:48 ) Đọc thêm...

Events And Temporal Expressions Part-I

Introduction to Events

The e language provides temporal constructs for specifying and verifying behavior over time. All e temporal language features depend on the occurrence of events, which are used to synchronize activity with a simulator and within the e program.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 29 Tháng 3 2022 00:01 ) Đọc thêm...

Constraints And Generation Part-III

keep soft

This suggests default values for fields or variables in the struct or its subtree, or describes suggested relationships between field values and other items in the struct or its subtree. The following restrictions apply.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 29 Tháng 3 2022 00:04 ) Đọc thêm...

Constraints And Generation Part-II

Defining Constraints

This section describes in detail with examples on how to define constrains. This is basically more theory of what we have seen in last section.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 29 Tháng 3 2022 00:03 ) Đọc thêm...

Constraints And Generation part 1

Generation And Constraints

Test generation is a process producing data layouts according to a given specification. The specifications are provided in the form of type declarations and constraints. Constraints are statements that restrict values assigned to data items by test generation.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 29 Tháng 3 2022 00:05 ) Đọc thêm...

Interfacing With Simulators Part-II

Simulation-related constructs

This section covers the simulation related constructs that can be used withing e language, some of them are as given below.

'HDL pathname'
Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 03 Tháng 5 2022 19:47 ) Đọc thêm...

Interfacing With Simulators Part-I

Interfacing with simulator
In Verilog linking any foreign language is through PLI, and in VHDL is FLI. Since e language is a foreign language, it has to go though PLI of Verilog and FLI of VHDL. 

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 29 Tháng 3 2022 00:05 ) Đọc thêm...

Conditional Flow Control Part-III

File Iterative Control
In e the way we open and read ASCII files is slightly different then C and C++. There are two types of looping constructs that are provided to help with handling ASCII files.

for each line in file

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 24 Tháng 5 2022 23:29 ) Đọc thêm...

Conditional Flow Control Part-II

Iterative Control

There are four types of iterative actions in e:


Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 24 Tháng 5 2022 23:22 ) Đọc thêm...

Conditional Flow Control Part-I

Conditional Flow Control: Conditional flow like in any other programming language is used for controlling execution a block of code, when a condition is true.

if then else

if then else is used for checking for a condition and if condition is true, then the block of code inside the {} is excuted.

Lần cập nhật cuối ( Thứ ba, 24 Tháng 5 2022 23:09 ) Đọc thêm...
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